Frequently asked questions on radiofrequency or thermarge treatment

What is radiofrequency treatment or THERMAGE treatment?

Radiofrequency is a non-invasive anti ageing therapy designed to tighten the contours of the skin, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and imparts an overall youthful appearance. Radiofrequency or Thermage helps in strengthening rejuvenating the skin by stimulating collagen production.

How does radiofrequency treatment work ?

The Radiofrequency technology, delivers heat to the deepest layers of the skin, while keeping the upper layers of skin cool and unharmed at the same time. This deep heating of the deeper layers of the skin stimulates production of collagen fibers, causing the skin to tighten. The effects of a single session of treatment last long after the treatment is complete, as newly formed collagen continues to form which leads to smoothening out of the wrinkles and fine lines.

Which areas of the body can be treated with radiofrequency treatment?

Thermage or radiofrequency treatment is most commonly used over the face and neck such as:

– Crow’s feet and hooded eyelids – These are fine lines and wrinkles that develop along the angles of the eye

– Laugh lines and frown lines – These are lines that develop due to skin folds which run from the side of the mouth to the chin

– Sagging cheeks and jowls – This is most often due to the ageing process

– “Turkey neck” – This happens due to wrinkles on the neck

Is thermage / radiofrequency treatment painful or uncomfortable ?

The radiofrequency treatment is usually comfortable and the patients may only feel a mild heat or warm sensation over the skin. The heat energy is delivered to the deeper layers of the skin and the upper layers stay normal.

When can the results of a radiofrequency or thermage treatment be appreciated after a treatment session?

The results usually become visible as the collagen starts building up. The results start becoming visible after around 4 weeks of treatment and continue to become more appreciable with time. Is the improvement in skin laxity continues to happen till about 6 months after the procedure.

How long will the results of radiofrequency or Thermage treatment last?

Duration of results vary from patient to patient. On an average the results of a single session may last from 12 to 18 months. Maintenance sessions are required every 1 to 1 and a 1/2 years since ageing is a continuous process which needs to be slowed down.

Do I need to rest after a thermage or radiofrequency treatment session?

Usually no rest is required at all after a treatment session. Most clients can go back to work immediately after a treatment session or on the next day itself. No special precautions are need after a treatment session.

How long is a single treatment session with thermage or radiofrequency?

Depending on the area under treatment, each treatment session may last from 60 to 90 minutes.